New game!

Hey everyone! I participated in TinyJam 2018, was assigned to work with two programmers and an artist. We ended up going with my game concept (and thank god, cause I’d have felt rather useless otherwise) and we ended up winning first place! (To be fair, it’s because the other two teams encountered significant setbacks that resulted in neither of their games being completed by the midnight deadline).

Without further ado, you can now check out Meteor Magnet Miner!


Not gonna lie, I think the game could be improved with a few minor tweaks. I think everything should move slightly slower and the player’s ship could use slightly better handling. I had the programmers send me the build and I’m gonna see if I can get that to happen on my own, after the fact.

I’ve also graduated college, and will have a postmortem on that eventually. There’ll be a public article on the Daily SPUF discussing that as well, in the near future.